Sunday, July 13, 2008

Recycled Crayons

I recently saw this on a blog & I love it...I almost gave away all of our old crayons until I came upon this idea..thanks. You can have your kids help...I won't say they love it, but they like to see the ending result. You have to tear off the wrappers & put as many into a muffin tin. Depending on how deep the tins are will determine the time. Spray cooking spray first before you add the crayons. Bake at 275 degrees..for 5-15 minutes. We did some really cute pumpkin ones for the fall.

Also, I've been working alot on my classroom for the fall. I hope to have pictures posted soon.


Anonymous said...

I love these too! My son and I made these using a silicone mini-muffin pan with hearts for his valentines this year.

JanaeGalindo said...

I've made these crazy crayons before too, SO FUN! Don't you just love the mess they leave in your muffin tins though? If anyone wants to make these, and not have to sacrifice baking pans, please borrow mine instead.